
I post on this site less as the other demands on my time shout for attention. Just too much going on these days! I'll be back when I can, because I do live with a goddess by my side.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Women gathering in Her Name

Ramya, Barbara, Judy,(in back) Jane, Linda, Louise?, Heidi, Mamie, Byron.  Front row, Annie, Rita, Joni, Su, and Teresa
In 2010, this great group of women met for 8 sessions of a class that focused upon goddess her-stories that ranged throughout the world, from Mary Magdelene to Pele'.

Sadly, two of these gorgeous women have passed beyond the veil, as they say.  We miss them both.

I no longer have red hair...indeed in the 4 years after this I've let it grow out and is totally white now, and long. I do still have a tummy that likes to peak out from below my shirt.  I won't say what has been happening in any of the other women's lives...and I also am sad that I haven't had any continuing touch with several of them.

This class studied a Unitarian Universalist curriculum "Rise Up and Call Her Name."  It was taught with variations based on the desires of the class and the facilitators.  Three wonderful dedicated women shared the duties of presentations, and we were all so grateful to Byron, Linda and Mamie.

What was important about this class (as well as many others shared by women through UU curriculums) is that it helps women speak together and learn more of the powerful her-stories of goddesses.

This last year Linda and Byron taught another class to encourage a new generation of women and their daughters to learn through song, dance, art and crafts...and we elders certainly enjoyed it as well.

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